Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Nature Art

Challenge # 19

Our challenge was inspired by:

Andy Goldsworthy

We watched a few videos and analysed some photos of his work. During our Google Meet video call we brainstormed what we noticed about his artwork. Here are a few points we made:

Check out our cool creations: 

During lockdown this has probably been one of our most exciting challenges. We enjoyed it because we could get the whole family involved and go outside on the bright sunny days we had. 

It's easy, why don't you give it a go? 

Ponder this: 
Do you think the different seasons affect the types of artwork you can make? 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Discovery Box

Challenge # 18

What is a discovery box: A discovery box is made up of things that represent something or someone.

What do you put in a discovery box: Anything that you think represents you or the topic. This could include flowers, pictures, accessories, photos, drawings, clothing items, flag, ornaments.

Create task:
Find things around the house to make a discovery box about our culture or where our family is from.

Diverse cultures in our class: Afganistan, New Zealand, Indian, Muslim, Hindu, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Filipino, Bengali, Somalian, Persian, Rohingya.
Get creative to make your discovery box. If you can't find things around your house, you could: 
- Draw some things on paper.
- Find photos online and make a collage. 
- Take photos around your house.

Check out our discovery boxes. We had a lot of fun scavenging around the house and the internet.

What would you include in your discovery box?

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Te Reo Lesson 1 - My home

Kaupapa - ‘Tōku Kainga’ - My home

Whainga paetae - The student will learn the kupu used for the outside/exterior of their home/house.

Have a look at drawings of our houses with labels: