Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Favourite toy explanation

Challenge #12

Following on from our Funday Friday crazy hair day we had a bring along your favourite toy day. 

Everyone brought their favourite toy to our Google Meet video call. We all had the opportunity to share something about our favourite toy. Then we had some questions Miss Mangabhai gave us to guide our writing. 

The questions here:
Where did you get it from? Who gave it to you? What is the name of your toy? Why is this your favourite toy?

We had to make sure we used full sentences when answering the questions.

Check out our responses:

Have you got a favourite toy? Share in the comments telling us about your favourite toy. You can use the questions to help you.


  1. Great Job Rae class Keep up the great Job!!!!!

  2. hi rae class great job keep it up
